The start to this semester has been a hectic one to say the least. How was the second day of classes, after my first day that lasted thirteen hours and included working at the bookstore and Language Lab and classes? Here's most of an email I sent my dear mother that may provide ranting material in the future, since it seems like that's what most of my writing is actually about...
"I'm actually researching/scheduling the passport appointment I need and trying still to apply for studying abroad in Australia. I've been talking to one of the directors at IU, since I couldn't log in to that main screen, remember? Well, she called me back yesterday during class and told me to email her so she could send me information, so I did that last night at work. Then today she sends me an email with a link to create the new ID that I need in order to apply with a note that says to send her my confirmation and new ID for the site so she can put me through, so I clicked it thinking, "oh cool, I'm making progress," right? Wrong. It says I already have an ID associated with the "iAbroad" program. @#&*% (insert four-letter word here)!!! So I emailed her back and apologized for the hassle, asking WTF. I was on campus for thirteen hours yesterday, and I worked a total of ten hours and attended two classes where I nodded off in both (don't worry, one of the professors openly said that he doesn't care if we sleep--the other class happened to be Nancy's...). Today, I had class at nine (great subject content--Writing Styles--but this woman is about to croak and she was hacking up a lung the entire time soo not cool), I'm frantic now but will still try to do some homework before class at noon, then I'm going to the bookstore to work from 1:30-8:00. KILL ME NOW. Anywho, I only work for four hours tomorrow morning then I'm finished at 5:45, I only work in the Language Lab on Thursday and am finished at 6:00, and then it's Friday even if I do work 9:00-12:00, have class 12:00-1:15, then work again from 1:30-5:00...whew."
Later this same day, after multiple inches of snow had accumulated on campus, I was allowed to leave work at the bookstore where several customers felt the need to bitch at me because apparently it's my fault that they waited so long that all the used books are gone and that the prices are outrageous. I sympathize with you, okay? I pay these same fing prices. Find somewhere else to go and quitcherbitchin. So, at eight that night I dug my car out of the snow and slid my way over to Wendy's because earlier that morning the granola bar that I intended to eat for breakfast managed to jump out of my pocket at some point--chances are, I'll find it on my doorstep in another four months when the snow melts--so I went without breakfast. Anyone who knows the Nabel family knows that we do not do well without food, i.e. we're cranky sons of bitches when our blood sugar plummets, which I'm sure just made me an absolute joy to be around all day.
...on second thought, I think I'm going to write this story now. It's been a while since I've had inspiration and the blood is absolutely flowing and raging now. I'll post when I finish it...not that anyone reads this or is left hanging by this decision.