I'm on an academic high for the first time in a long time. Today, I got back my midterm for my Shakespearean lit class and I earned a 95%. Ninety-fucking-five bitch! On the thirty point essay, I got twenty-nine, I got 23/25 multiple choice questions right(I'd still like to see what the answer was for #2...), and 24/25 short answer correct, and that was only because I only named the battle and didn't give the year with it. Stupid mistakes I think, meaning I could have gotten a 98%. Damn. But it's still a solid A.
In my Food in Film course (yes, it's a legit, actual class!) I've seen my 32/35 for the online identification portion and am anxiously awaiting the return of my written portion. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one because, not only is it worth a quarter of my grade, I only felt good about one of the two essays I wrote. But nothing I can do for right now, maybe I'll get it back in class tonight and I can stop worrying and obsessing. Because of course it hasn't left my mind since last Thursday.
I can't remember the last time I did so well or felt so confident in an exam. I've taken French classes in college and written papers and felt relatively well prepared for them, too, I guess. For some reason, these Shakespeare papers and assignments actually have me excited to write academically, not just creatively or for a blog. The bio lab reports I've been writing have been like pulling teeth, I hate writing them so much. But no more of that! Only analytical essays and explications and comparative essays! The weird thing is that I'm 100%, for real, downright excited to write them. Speaking of which, I have a comparative/analytical paper to write for my Film course and am supposed to take it to the Writing Center to look over it on Thursday. I watched all my movies for it yesterday--I've never been so ready to turn the TV off. Ugh. But I suppose I'll get to writing that, though I'm not as eager to write it, I'll admit.
Here's to re-finding my path and being excited about school, academic life, and working =)